A study of "Face Rock" on the southern Oregon Coast. The rock tells the story of an Indian chief's daughter that is lured to the ocean by an evil spirit. Unwilling to succumb to the spirit, the girl turns away and looks to a benevolent Chinook moon where she was frozen in time.
It's a very busy summer. The Northwest trip lasted about six weeks and produced my first significant series of plein air sketches -- significant in number, that is......that other criteria....well we'll just see how that shakes in terms of my future endeavors. It was educational, that's for sure. But I'm hooked for good....so much so, that I'm throwing caution to the wind, and heading out to do a couple of open invitational festivals in Utah this fall. Somewhere in there, I;ll also being squeezing a short trip to Yosemite to perform at a world music festival and several days at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Rounding out August is the Sedona Arts Center members show. I'm finishing up a piece from the Grand Canyon -- my first! Oh well, as they say, go big or go home.....